Moldflow 訂閱方案

Autodesk Moldflow Adviser 2023

Autodesk Moldflow Adviser 2024

Moldflow 模擬軟體可讓您對塑膠射出與壓縮成型的問題進行疑難排解。Moldflow 的進階工具和簡化的使用者介面可協助您解決製造難題,例如零件翹曲、冷卻通道效率以及週期時間縮短。

優惠價請來電 02-2511-9098

Moldflow 最新促銷

AutoCAD / AutoCAD LT 2025 租賃超值方案

即日起,買 AutoCAD / AutoCAD LT 2025 租賃超值方案,現貨供應中!
AutoCAD / AutoCAD LT 2025 租賃一年期、三年期超值優惠中,加價另贈送好禮。最新 AutoCAD / AutoCAD LT 價格歡迎來電 02-25119098 洽詢!

Autodesk 全系列軟體優惠促銷

AutoCAD 2025、AutoCAD LT 2025、3ds Max、Maya、Architecture Engineering & Construction Collection (工程建設軟體集)、Product Design & Manufacturing Collection (產品設計與製造軟體集)、Media & Entertainment Collection (傳媒娛樂軟體集)……等,歡迎來電洽詢!

戰勝疫情,Autodesk 宣布轉換舊換新優惠期限展延!!

多(人)用戶固定期限使用授權將於 2023年 2 月 7 日 停售。Autodesk 提供多(人)用戶固定期限使用授權的以舊換新優惠活動,期限延至 2024年 2 月 7 日,歡迎來電洽詢!

Moldflow 常見問題

Autodesk Moldflow 是什麼 ?

Autodesk Moldflow 模擬塑膠的射出成型,來協助設計師、工程師及分析師改進塑膠零件、壓縮成型和射出成型設計。

  • 可透過 Autodesk Drive 和「共用視圖」進行內容協同合作。
  • Fusion 360 產品內推送可快速變更幾何圖形。
  • 自動化工具可減少設置與後置處理。
  • 使用 Moldflow Insight 將解析器硬體限制降到最低。

Autodesk Moldflow Adviser、Autodesk Moldflow Insight 系統需求請參閱 【Moldflow 官網說明】

Autodesk Moldflow 有哪些版本和功能?

Adviser Premium:

  • 熱塑型材料的射出成型模擬。
  • 分析設計的可生產性。
  • 評估是否存在積風和熔接線。
  • 針對不同厚度的零件執行 3D 分析。
  • 充填、冷卻和保壓指導。

Adviser Ultimate:包括 Moldflow Adviser Premium 的所有功能,另加

  • 模具充填、保壓與冷卻指導。
  • 翹曲原因。
  • 纖維配向。
  • 流道平衡與母模仁配置。

Insight Standard:

  • 專業成型程序與模擬 (壓縮、氣體輔助、微細發泡、纖維配向和雙折射等)。
  • 熱塑型與熱固性材料射出成型模擬。
  • 使用參數式分析和「實驗設計」分析進行最佳化。
  • 深入模擬塑膠射出成型。
  • 聚合物流、模具冷卻與零件翹曲預測。
  • 網格建立與製程參數控制。

Insight Premium:包括 Moldflow Insight Standard 的所有功能,另加

  • 專同時解析容量。
  • 專進階模具加熱與冷卻製程。
  • 專製程最佳化。

Insight Ultimate:包括 Moldflow Insight Premium 的所有功能,另加

  • 專業成型製程的模擬。

Moldflow 版本比較表


Autodesk Moldflow


產品料號 產品名稱(AP) 優惠價
C7WO1-WW3518-L281 Fusion with Moldflow Adviser CLOUD Commercial New Single-user ELD Annual Subscription CALL
C7WO1-WW9854-L516 Fusion with Moldflow Adviser CLOUD Commercial New Single-user ELD 3-Year Subscription CALL
C7WO1-003872-L852 Fusion with Moldflow Adviser Commercial Single-user Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
C7WO1-006878-L609 Fusion with Moldflow Adviser Commercial Single-user 3-Year Subscription Renewal CALL
C7YO1-WW3518-L281 Fusion with Moldflow Adviser - Legacy CLOUD Commercial New Single-user ELD Annual Subscription CALL
C7YO1-WW9854-L516 Fusion with Moldflow Adviser - Legacy CLOUD Commercial New Single-user ELD 3-Year Subscription CALL
C7YO1-003872-L852 Fusion with Moldflow Adviser - Legacy Commercial Single-user Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
C7YO1-006878-L609 Fusion with Moldflow Adviser - Legacy Commercial Single-user 3-Year Subscription Renewal CALL
C7XO1-WW1995-L699 Moldflow Insight CLOUD Commercial New Single-user ELD Annual Subscription CALL
C7XO1-WW3095-L668 Moldflow Insight CLOUD Commercial New Single-user ELD 3-Year Subscription CALL
C7XO1-006734-L365 Moldflow Insight Commercial Single-user Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
C7XO1-001654-L979 Moldflow Insight Commercial Single-user 3-Year Subscription Renewal CALL
C7ZO1-WW1995-L699 Moldflow Insight – Legacy CLOUD Commercial New Single-user ELD Annual Subscription CALL
C7ZO1-WW3095-L668 Moldflow Insight - Legacy CLOUD Commercial New Single-user ELD 3-Year Subscription CALL
C7ZO1-006734-L365 Moldflow Insight – Legacy Commercial Single-user Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
C7ZO1-001654-L979 Moldflow Insight - Legacy Commercial Single-user 3-Year Subscription Renewal CALL
571Q1-WWN805-L413 Moldflow Adviser Premium 2025 Commercial New Multi-user ELD Annual Subscription CALL
571I1-00N313-L881 Moldflow Adviser Premium Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
571J1-00N192-L464 Moldflow Adviser Premium Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched between May 2019 - May 2020 and Ongoing) CALL
571M1-00N267-L530 Moldflow Adviser Premium Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched after May 7, 2020) CALL
572Q1-WWN805-L413 Moldflow Adviser Ultimate 2025 Commercial New Multi-user ELD Annual Subscription CALL
572I1-00N313-L881 Moldflow Adviser Ultimate Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
572J1-00N192-L464 Moldflow Adviser Ultimate Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched between May 2019 - May 2020 and Ongoing) CALL
572M1-00N267-L530 Moldflow Adviser Ultimate Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched after May 7, 2020) CALL
574Q1-WWA381-L453 Moldflow Insight Premium 2025 Commercial New ELD Annual Subscription CALL
574I1-007586-L528 Moldflow Insight Premium Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
574J1-00A334-L941 Moldflow Insight Premium Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched between May 2019 - May 2020 and Ongoing) CALL
574M1-00N710-L419 Moldflow Insight Premium Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched after May 7, 2020) CALL
573Q1-WWA381-L453 Moldflow Insight Standard 2025 Commercial New ELD Annual Subscription CALL
573I1-007586-L528 Moldflow Insight Standard Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
573J1-00A334-L941 Moldflow Insight Standard Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched between May 2019 - May 2020 and Ongoing) CALL
573M1-00N710-L419 Moldflow Insight Standard Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched after May 7, 2020) CALL
575Q1-WWA381-L453 Moldflow Insight Ultimate 2025 Commercial New ELD Annual Subscription CALL
575I1-007586-L528 Moldflow Insight Ultimate Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
575J1-00A334-L941 Moldflow Insight Ultimate Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched between May 2019 - May 2020 and Ongoing) CALL
575M1-00N710-L419 Moldflow Insight Ultimate Commercial Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched after May 7, 2020) CALL
01XI1-NS5025-V662 Moldflow - Compute Service CLOUD Commercial New Single-user Annual Subscription CALL
01XI1-NS1920-V791 Moldflow - Compute Service CLOUD Commercial New Single-user 3-Year Subscription CALL
01XI1-007163-V111 Moldflow - Compute Service Commercial Single-user Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
01XI1-006190-V998 Moldflow - Compute Service Commercial Single-user 3-Year Subscription Renewal CALL
579Q1-WWN805-L413 Moldflow Synergy 2025 Commercial New Multi-user ELD Annual Subscription CALL
579I1-00N313-L881 Moldflow Synergy Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal CALL
579J1-00N192-L464 Moldflow Synergy Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched between May 2019 - May 2020 and Ongoing) CALL
579M1-00N267-L530 Moldflow Synergy Commercial Multi-user Annual Subscription Renewal Switched From Maintenance (Switched after May 7, 2020) CALL
